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Psalm 96 opens by saying "O sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth!" This is the start of 2024, Happy New Year! How will you start 2024? The Psalmist gives us a great suggestion. Start the new year off by thanking God for who He is in our lives.

Too often we speak complaints to God about anything... people, relatives, finances, and sometimes we complain to God about God. The bible teaches us in Psalm 18:21 that we will reap the fruits of the words we say. If we speak positively then we will enjoy positive rewards, and if we speak negatively, we should expect to eat the bitterness of our words. Negative energy and thoughts may be what consumed you in 2023, but the challenge to all of us in 2024 is the speak of a new song!

"O sing to the Lord a new song." This is your year of new beginnings, an opportunity to start the new year with a new attitude, one that speaks positively to the Lord. God already knows everything we think is going wrong in our lives. He is omniscient, which means He already knows everything, and does not need a reminder of our unhappiness or dissatisfactions. Rather than bring God our complaints, the Psalmist directs us to bring God a new song. Not the old song of doubt and distress, but a new song filled with hope and not despair.

Singing a "new song" to the Lord does not mean we will not tell God about our problems or concerns, but it does mean we will tell God of His sustaining grace and mercy towards us. Think about it, our lives could have always been worse, but they are not. Our sickness could have killed us sooner, but we are still here. Bankruptcy, or divorce, or thoughts of depression or suicide could have destroyed us, but we are still standing. Rather than carry forward the issues of our past, sing a new song, a song of joy and thanksgiving.

This bible verse is not just for those who are doing great, or who claim to have no problems, because Job declares this life is full of troubles. This Psalm speaks to everyone when he says, "Sing to the Lord, all the earth." “All the earth” includes people who have survived the traumas of life, and those still traumatized by life's effects. Everyone living in despair, those who are living with tears of joy, and from those who are doubtful to those who have the gift of faith, are all challenged to sing to the Lord a new song.

Have you been so disappointed that no words could express your feelings, and no one's words could give you comfort? It is nice to have others give us words of encouragement, but do you realize you have the power to encourage yourself? Let's all get with Psalm 96, and sing to the Lord a new song, a song that boldly declares we are blessed, we are provided for, we sheltered from what could be worse, we are healed, we are delivered, we are kept, and we are in the hands of God who will bring no unperfect gift to His children.

Happy New Year!